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4 Business Tools To Increase Productivity and Work Smarter In 2019

Jan 24, 2019

To increase productivity at work, you need to do more than reduce distractions like social media. With limited hours in the day, making the most of your time is vital. Fundamentally, there are two ways to increase your output: you either work longer hours or work smarter. We certainly know which one seems like the most preferable option!

Working smarter means you’re a little more strategic about time-management, taking advantage of productivity tools which will help you focus on what you need to do.

Here, we’ve listed five business tools to organize your workflow and help you focus at work.

1. Bookkeeping Zoom

Bookkeeping Zoom helps increase productivity by combining accounting software and bookkeeping services. The best thing about this software is that it combines both bookkeeping functionality with real accounting expertise, helping to manage your numbers on the back-end.  Because two functions are merged into one, it pretty much saves half your time and cuts out the need for a middle-man. There’s no need to over-hire, since the solution scales to every bookkeeping and accounting function, intuitively encouraging you to simply work smarter.

2. Trello

Trello is great for boosting project management skills. Each morning, you can do a quick five-minute overview and assess the most important to-dos for your day with the app’s folders laid out in a clean, visual way. We love the Kanban board-style layout of the system, which lets you drop items in different folders and see projects progressing through different stages, which can be as many or as few as you choose. With an offline functionality, it also allows you to continue working without connection.

3. Google Suite

With all kinds of document files available in one, handy space – and all automatically saved on the cloud so you never lose your work – we’re big fans of Google’s software for business. Formerly known as Google Apps for Work, Google Suite offers a set of powerful tools that can help you scale your small business. It builds upon user familiarity with Google’s products such as Google Docs and Google Calendar, offering reminders when events come up or queries need tending to. With so many personalized features available and easy-to-understand functions, Google Suite unites many business functions into one, helping you to work smarter.

4. Feedly

We all love to read great content, but this can easily take away hours of time that we’re supposed to dedicate to more important tasks. Feedly lets you collect content from all your favorite sites in one place to read at a later time. The board feature lets you add articles on-the-go, categorize them, write notes, and share relevant content with your co-workers.

Increasing productivity means making the most of the time you have available. With these four business tools, you’ll have a great start to the year in 2019, whether you’re using Bookkeeping Zoom for comprehensive accounting needs or Feedly to catch up on your favorite business journals.

Ready to increase productivity with Bookkeeping Zoom? Learn more here.


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